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We are here to manage your finance portfolio

In the vast landscape of the financial world, there exists a beacon of growth, prosperity, and empowerment - a company named NextFreedom LifeX.

The tree, a universal symbol of growth and life, represents NextFreedom LifeX's commitment to nurturing our clients' financial knowledge. Just as a tree grows from a small seed, we believe that anyone can grow their financial understanding from a small base to a vast, expansive knowledge.

The two main branches of the tree symbolize the two core aspects of our financial training: knowledge and application. The name "NextFreedom" is embodied in these branches, representing the next level of financial freedom that our clients can achieve through our training. The "LifeX" part of our name signifies the exponential growth and improvement in the quality of life that financial freedom can bring.

At NextFreedom LifeX, we provide a clear, straightforward path to financial literacy and independence. Our guidance is designed to remove unnecessary twists and turns, offering our clients a direct route towards achieving their financial goals.

The circles, or orbs, on the tree represent the fruits of our clients' labor. They symbolize the tangible results that our clients can achieve through our training - increased savings, profitable investments, and ultimately, financial freedom.

At NextFreedom LifeX, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their financial future. Our mission is to create a world where financial literacy is accessible to all, and financial freedom is within reach.

Join us on this journey of growth and empowerment, as together, we cultivate a future of financial abundance and security

Our Vision, Mission and Core Value


Years Industry Experience


Satisfied Clients


Winning Awards

Why Investors Choosing us

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Purpose, Philosophy & Principles
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Passion / Pagalpan
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People Priority
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Products - Addresses P.A.I.N Points of People
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Process - Process & System Works
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Our Unique Selling Points (USPs)

Mission and Purpose Oriented Business

Transformation Approach & Not Transactional Approach

Financial Planning & Goal Planning Approach

Financial Freedom / F.I.R.E Approach

Tax Planning and Tax Advisory Services

Continuous Training, Mentoring and Coaching Services by Next Level Education and Mentors

Estate and Succession Planning Advice & Services

Life and Career Planning and Guidance

Life Transformation Education and Training Programs

Segment Wise Model Portfolio

Auto Rebalancing System

Strong Product Research Team

Down Side Protection Strategies

Spiritual Financial Planning and Story Based Calculators

Ready Made Marketing Tools & Templates

Ready Made Sales Presentations, Scripts, Tools and Templates

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Office Contact

+91 - 87992 12156
+91 - 82007 70942

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Head Office Location

F-5, Municipality Shopping Centre, Shubhash Road, Gamdi Vad, Anand - 388001

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